Monday, June 13, 2011

''Good Bye" ( Hi-at-us )

A friend said "The Rest Of Your Life Starts With GOODBYE"

*Thoughts going - juices flowing

Things don't change... We change our way of looking at things (our perception as she would say)... that is all... we mature & see that, that our dreams can be our reality if we put our mind to succeed... But in the position of darkness and the position of failure is when we can recognize the true bitter sweet taste of victory, success or what ever your mind believes to call it at the time...

Some of us cannot say goodbye - some of us just turn our backs and walk away. My reasons to why I think this is not good is because we tend to leave an open chapter in our book that stays unfinished... Anything that stays unwritten is an open ended answer which everyone is entitled to an opinion too.

"The notebook" was an example of an unfinished chapter... To much of an unknown leaves to much of a curiosity... To much of a curiosity leads people to explore... Exploring leaves us faceless... Faceless leaves us emotionless or emotionfull... Whether to have taken an action or taken no action its still an action. Think about it?

Nothings perfect but we have to make life worth it. Especially cause while someone else is getting there's they sure as hell is not worry about you getting yours...

All in all - face your fears and say goodbye, but mean it!

Cliche quote: "You know that you are in love when the hardest thing to do is say good-bye!!"

Zues quote: "Goodbye" has become a "Fear" we must face.


Real important side note:
I'm coming back from my Hiatus! And I thought I start back my blogs from where I left off - with a "goodbye" (take it into your own perspective). Hiatus - A world in which we can all escape from everybody! If you are reading this I really appreciate you for following me! I had to get my life together before I fell on the edge of a cliff... I was dealing with allot of internal and external issues in which I will share with you if you wish to learn. One thing I learned is that I was to impersonal with my readers, now this author will become a little more personal...

So I hope you are enjoying my reading! And I will start sending TOD, Quotes, and blogs! Every Monday (blogs) and other thoughts randomly!

Click the "Read" down below! And don't forget! My book coming soon!!!

Shantell "ZUES" WILSON out!


Raquel Ponce said...

your right the hardest thing to do is to say goodbye and walk away, all the while feeling the distance between eachother become greater with each step, and knowing you may never see them again.

M.A.L.E. said...

Its funny tho how when we let things go- whether its a weight, stress, a grudge, a relationship, or even take a dump (LOL), we always feel loads lighter. Follow us back, fam