Monday, June 20, 2011

Incarcerated - 17 hour Holding

The incarceration

Physical: I see the red and blue lights in my rear view mirror and I pull over. I already knew I was going to jail, I just didn't know what for exactly. I texted a friend and let them know I was getting arrested not knowing how long ill be.

in my head: I'm not nervous, I just know I fucked up... Keep calm and it shall be a calm LONG day.

Physical: after taking my license the cops asked me to step out the car, go on my knees, hands behind my head. Asked me "do you know why your going to get locked up?" I told them no, he said that's probably why your so calm.

in my mind: this feeling of cold steel against my skin is not a good feeling. You here on TV and they talk about it, but to experience it is a different feeling. Its like having a block of hot ice squeezing against your skin and the more you move the worst.

Physical: Pulling up my record, License suspended, $10,000 warrant, $1,000 bench warrant, $800 in tickets, and one Pissed off judge.
As we make it to the holding cell before jail. He writes the 3 most important #"s I need at this moment for me. My lawyer, my mom, and my friend, the only person who knows where I sort of am.

In my mind: been in jail twice when I was younger for stupidity of being young and ignorant. I can't be mad at no one but myself yet again. I don't wanna be judged by my peers but I would for them to learn...

Physical: I make it to jail, bare feet touches ground, mug shots taken, personal items vacuumed seal. Hear the doors slam and escorted to my cell

In my mind: I'm no longer a person - I'm a number, but not a good set of numbers. Its not a social, its an ID of being a criminal, a renegade of the law.

Physical: Cold as hell, I stay quiet, waiting to get finger printed and phone call patiently. I tuck my arms in my shirt and find a corner and sleep.

In my mind: how can people be comfortable not knowing time, in a 11 x 12 foot cell, dry bread government cheese sandwich, water down milk, aluminum toilets, chipped paint, this can be the rest of my life, or the beginning of my life.

Physical: I wake to hydrate my self to water that taste like water that's been ran down a dirty wall and caught in a gatorade container.
The CO (short for Correctional officer as the inmates called them) stuffed us in one cell like sardines and started separating us according to conviction.

In my mind: now I think about life and how I'm gonna correct it. How I'm not gonna procrastinate and take matters into my own hand...I start now

Physical: I finally get called for finger printing and my one phone call... But they realized I was in the wrong cell. I was in the felony cell, people locked up for assault and battery against law enforcement, shooting someone, stabbing someone, hiding someone, that's all that I knew. I make my first phone call to my lawyer and he curses me out but he said he will handle it. I make my 2nd phone call to a friend but I couldn't get through. Back to the cell I go.

In my mind: locked up for only 6 hours and it felt like 12 hours. Again not knowing time kills me. Again I am patient and more calm.

Physical: I now return to the right cell and all I can think is how can I pass the time. So again my arms go back in my shirt and I lay on the ice block floor and sleep.

In my mind: I can't say what or what I do not deserve but I do know where I don't want to be and this is here...

Physical: I wake just to realize I only slept for 30 minutes. So now I start talking to people around me and see what everyone is in for.
1) Cops came busting in the door looking for his girl who had a warrant for beating the shit out of someone, and the reason why he in there is cause he had a warrant for his arrest... So took both of them and put the kids in child services

2) Beat the shit out of someone for talking shit about the Miami Heat losing

3) Drinking and driving (18 years old)

In the mind: about my life as a whole! Where I wanna go from here, what do I want to do from here. Who do I want to be and how I'm gonna get there...

Physical: We became close within these hours of non-stop talk and we learned about each other. Another calling for my name, going to see the nurse. That's when I met a super smart guy who knew everything about the court system, or at least sounded like it...

In my mind: in jail it seems anyone can be anybody, anyone can be anything - who really knows when jails confides the truth.

Physical: on my way to see the Video Judge, as I leave one quarters to the next, the guys in the orange Jump Suit called me Trustee for the Lawyer and Bail bonds person I provided them.

In my mind: its funny how knowledge is a key to guidance and bonding people together... No matter the situation or place.

Physical: all the women who went up where basically prostitutes... I went up and seen the judge:

As she pulls up my paper work. She tells me that it shouldn't be hard to fix what I have going on. I told her my personal attorney was not able to make it and she asked who, I told her and she said I'm a real looking man for two reasons. I have a great lawyer on my hands and that's the reason why she is gonna let me go on an R&R and have him get things done for me, and 2) someone came to vouch for me, so I can get of jail today! The camera turned to her and their I saw my knight in a shining armor. Put a smile on my face and I knew that ill be ok. Judge said go home and see u in 2 weeks with everything straightened out.

In my mind: I'm blessed. Never be unappreciative

Physical: Holding cell to get out. From what suppose to be 1 hour took 4 1/2 hours. Again I took another corner and slept. When I woke I just listened to the conversations around me again.
1) One guy said he was going to jail for 2 years, but that's wasn't that long compared to what he did

2) When someone took a shit, someone said that's the smell of liquor and X together...

In my mind: I'm ready to go

Physical: I'm let out and there was her face. I felt like I was locked up for years and she was their waiting... A great excellent friend she is !!! Thank you...

Fyi: lawyer got everything dropped, as of nothing happened... Thank you too

*Deep breath*

Judge if you wish... I'm not perfect, but I work hard and I deserve it. I must go through the bad sometimes in order to recognize the great. I touched fire and got burned, now I will try not to touch it no more.

All in all take responsibility for your OWN actions! Don't procrastinate, and never under appreciate.

That is all!

1 comment:

Zzzz said...

Is this true???
As long as u learn frm ur mistakes everything will b ok... We have ups & downs 4 reasons... No1 perfect & not every1 is lucky & bless.... No1 gonna judge u,ur human!!!!