Tuesday, May 15, 2012

R.I.C.H Psycho - Logy

R.I.C.H Psycho - Logy

I can go on for days! But I will not... But what I will do is break it down for the simple minds, the simple minded, and the minded... Everything starts with the mind, everything ends in the mind. If you understood this, that means now you understand "the law of attraction". Now you are one step ahead than most. And just to further ensure this, understand that the universe is not human, meaning it has no feelings, no ethics, and does not know the meaning of right and wrong. It simply takes your thoughts and manifest it in the time in which it SHOULD!

When you are ready... (Side note: you don't determine when your ready, destiny is written and fate may be altered by the choices we make or taken on our destiny: you may take that last statement lightly, just a personal believe)

Getting back on "TRACK"

I can't tell no one what vehicle to drive for that is your choice but I will say "drive your car" that is gonna take you to your destinations (Yes more than one). But I can instill the tools of inception. PSYCHO meaning a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. In your terms, crazy. So yes, I believe only the crazy ones can be successful, I'm sorry, let's not say successful, let's say on top, a person who have "made it", etc. Why I say this? Because when bill gates started a multi-billion dollar company in his mothers basement he was said to have a "mental disorder". If you define this as misunderstood, then your on the right "TRACK". If you don't understand as of yet, that means you are still deranged in a comfort level in which you are "comfortable". That's what I call fear... Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, cause their are many things we must over come! Cause like Jim Rohn once said "for things to change, you must change". You wanna lose weight, then YOU must CHANGE your diet. For the ignorant diet does not mean lose weight, it means the way you eat! (Side Note; For those offended by "ignorant" then you need to look up the word ignorant, cause it simply means the lack of knowledge of.) Moving forth. Being psycho to me is a mere mirage, for those who do not understand! With understanding cause comfortability and now you begin to change. All one must do is "be comfortable being uncomfortable". If I told you let's go streaking, you'll call me crazy, but if I now say do that and get a million dollars, you now understand and is now comfortable in my actions. Right now some probably thinking where am I going with this... For those I will say you didn't read my first sentences... For those who are now understanding great, let's go crazy together and become successful!

Before I go on to the next part remember this. PSYCHO is short for psycoPATH... So once you go PSYCHO then your PATH will start to show. LOGY meaning 2 things: let's attack the first one:

1) Dull and heavy in motion or thought: Motion equates to your physical, only you can weigh you down. The thoughts in which everything begins that causes motion whether potential or kinetic. Think about the first time you was asked out or you asked some out and they said "NO". Let me tell you the beauty of it, your reading this message and your still alive. Its a miracle! Alive and well and on to the next one. Don't be weighed down by the things that can't... You know what I just thought of, if you combine motion and thoughts it has the similarities of air. You can't see it, you can feel it, its direction is sometimes uncanny but can be just as fairly paced, it weighs nothing but can destroy everything, only difference is you have more control over motions and thoughts. Being dull is only a choice... Remember this Jim Rohn said "the same wind blows on us all, it is the set of the sail that determines..." (Oh shit just thought of something crazy! eMOTION - motion driven by Emotions, E stands for External, motioned thoughts per say?)

2) treatise; sum of knowledge in a particular subject. This is where it all is! The "knowledge" is very well "heavy" upon thee to go "crazy" about. People become "crazy" about their passion and become "knowledgeable". People become "knowledgeable" which makes them become "crazy". A "subject" now becomes a funny word to play w/ cause it has soooooo many meanings to play with! So let's do so! "Subject" being the person, or thing discussed or dealt with. But what they don't tell you (or should I say the minded) is that an idea in your mind is a place! A place were you have your doctrine in! "Subject" is a cause to undergo. It would be fair enough to say that if your "knowledge" or "crazy" exist then your always forced to undergo some type constant formality of growth or change. "Subject" is prone to be affected by. We are constantly affected by "knowledge" and being "crazy" which forces us to undergo this nature of decision and choice. A "subject" is merely a topic of discussion and if you are reading this, then you are it! That's is the simplest breakdown; Again now that this has been set upon you, instilled upon the inception that no longer causes deception through a unnecessary recession through my reception, and begin your confession, and remember what the cliche says: "the mind is a terrible thing to waste"...

But as I would say "hurry up and get rid of the waste in your mind", Oh! and 1 more thing:

(R)esidual (I)ncome (C)reates (H)appiness

R.I.C.H Physco Logy ! Get it?

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