Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"What If" factor

Just a TOD for today... Take it how u want it...

A friend called me today and asked what am I doing with myself now and days. Simple answer - I started a Promotion company that takes up most of time but its well worth it because I want to see where this goes.

Friend: "I'm glad that you have done that, allot of people don't understand the sacrifices one needs to take to achieve success, or not even success, but just to see where it could go or even if you have the capability to do so. Do it while your young and have the energy to do it. Don't want to get caught in the "what if" factor. Things come around once in a life time, and the lucky ones run into it twice, and even then some people struggle to go for it."

Me: I know what you mean for different instances. The young and the restless I am for many reasons.

Friend: its funny you say that cause to be restless meaning you are full of life, as sleepy as you might be, all we can do is rest. This world is to much full of opportunity, but some get stuck in the 40 hour monday - friday work week and don't venture. Assuming vacation is a venture... Lol.

Me: I know actually what you mean. My adventure to vegas, bought my flight tickets hours prior to leaving - and a trip I planned for months - just winged it when I got there with not a care in the world!

Friend: that's exactly the attitude. You have to realize that some people are forced to success, for example the author for the Harry Potter books was Homeless or as she said "as poor as can be without a home", and all she did was write, the author's escape for reality.
Then you have those with a choice, as for you, good chef job,good location, worked close to home. No need to start a business and let others deal with the stress of people. Right? Be your on boss and live by your own rules they say!

Me: only if I had took this approach since day one then I would have allot more to talk about, or should I say less to talk about... Depending on how one looks at it.

All in all: just do it, let the "what if" factor be the remains of a positive phrase. "What if I never took that chance, I wouldn't have been where I am today" - that's what should be said.

Knowledge is not only what you know - but also applying.

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